Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Day in Pennsylvania!

There are so many wonderful things to do on Memorial Day weekend...go to the shore, stay at home with family... or take a trip to Lancaster County. Click on the headline above to get more information on a free event that going on there.. Have a good time and drive safely!

Also want to say thanks to all of the men and women in the military for their service and sacrifice.

P.S. Be sure to remember your companion animal this weekend. Don't leave them outside for too long and give them plenty of water and maybe a dip in the pool!


  1. If you have HORSE CRAZY KIDS, North Ridge Farm in Sellersville is again offering a fantastic camp for all levels. The dates for the 3 sessions are:
    July 5-8 • July 11-15 • July 18-22
    Call Kate Gerhart for more information. 215.694.1321

  2. Hey, you're my first commenter! Thank you. I will pass this information along!
