Friday, April 29, 2011

The Top 10 Most Fiscally Responsible Charities

As I am a volunteer with Habitat Lehigh Valley, I was very pleased to read this story about them. Congratulations!

The Top 10 Most Fiscally Responsible Charities

Monday, April 25, 2011

Does networking really help you get a job?

I have not been able to find solid research on the internet to prove that "networking" is the best way to find a job. If there are some, I'd like to see them.  I have seen some anecdotal information and personal accounts of people using networking to get every job they ever had.  I personally have had only some success in getting "possible" freelance work from my networking activities...not real job offers.

My "insight" is actually more of a question today.  Does ones' personality affect ones' ability to network effectively?  I believe there are born sales people.  I would think these are the most effective networkers. Anyone who doesn't naturally do these things is probably not going to do well in today's job market...unless they really push themselves.

This leads me to suggest that being in the dire situation of not having a job....maybe this is the first time you've been unemployed in your lifetime...forces a change in your personality.  The "survival" factor is strong and if it breeds a new generation of aggressive, take-charge individuals, maybe that's good for everyone in the long run.

In the short term, it's tough to know that your "best" isn't "good enough".  Tough life lessons for many of us to have to learn...and many of us learning it later in life.  Have you learned this lesson?  What have you done about it?  I guess your answer would depend on whether or not you have a job.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Cruelty is NEVER okay!

I believe in gun rights.  I do.  And the Constitution.  I do.  I have hunters in the family, but love them anyway!  I eat meat.   But to justify the incredibly inhumane and cruel treatment of live animals in the name of gun rights is just wrong!   I think you'll agree after reading this article by someone who actually has witnessed this barbarity.  The people doing these massacres are using the NRA to hide behind and justify their most vile behavior.  Please support the legislation against this practice. Search Facebook or Google for information and to learn more.  You'll find contact information there too, etc. Thanks.

Scratches on the Blackboard of Animal Cruelty

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Quote of the Day....

First to business:  There are many websites dedicated to providing quotations on any subject imaginable. These make good blog, Facebook or Twitter content.

Secondly, to the "insight".  What I like about quotes personally, is that if you're feeling strongly about something that happens in your life, you can find a quote from a person of greater intellect, passion or experience then you to help you understand what your feeling and maybe to put that feeling into perspective. 

Search for "quotes" and when you find a site you like, try typing in "animals" or "pain" or "art" or "marriage" or whatever into a quote site and see what comes up.  It's fun and often, comforting and sometimes you can use them to vent.  

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Local Bucks County Builder News

Here is an update on the status of TH Properties' bankruptcy situation. There were many home buyers, vendors and others hurt by the problems of TH Properties, so I hope this development is a positive thing for everyone!,0,5163411.story