Sunday, August 12, 2012

Do you know what a "5 & 10" is?

It's a magical place where you can buy things for as little as five cents. Well, you can't buy too many things for five cents anymore but it's fun to reminisce about penny candies and one's first trip to the store alone. So, congratulations to a Quakertown landmark on your 100th anniversary. Thanks for the memories.,0,3783856.story?track=rss

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Life goes on....

I'm settled into my new digs and now I can get back to the business of business. Upheaval and uncertainty are not good for anyone looking to accomplish anything in life--especially looking for a new job or starting a business. It's so easy to start spiraling downhill when the basics of having a roof over one's head and food to eat are daily pressing concerns. No one in American should have to live like that. Instead of welfare, give businesses tax breaks for offering free car repair to the unemployed; or allow discounted inspection stickers or free people can legally look for work. Allow companies like WaWa to donate excess food to food pantries without fear of liability so people can have food to eat everyday. We need practical solutions to real problems in order to get this country back on its feet.